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Announcing Mercury-Free Dentistry Week – Starting Today!

Starting Today

Announcing Mercury Free Dentistry Week

I had the pleasure of meeting Charles G. Brown, founder of the Campaign for Mercury Free Dentistry a few years ago at the Health Freedom Expo along with Mike Adams of NaturalNews.

I have followed and researched Mr. Brown’s work and campaign before meeting him and even more so since then.His works continues to be very important for the health of ourselves, family, friends and the planet. –HABA# # #

Happy Mercury-Free Dentistry Week!

Dear Friends, As proclaimed by Dr. Joseph Mercola of the leading health website, Mercury-Free Dentistry Week begins today!

Mercury-Free Dentistry Week is about several related topics.  It is about the right
of parents and consumers to know that “silver fillings” are “mercury
fillings”…and their right to insist on non-mercury alternatives.

It is about honoring mercury-free dentists, the men and women who work so
hard to keep patients healthy and the environment mercury-free.  It is
about celebrating the enormous progress of our movement over the past
year, including a landmark event:  We got amalgam into the mercury

Too, it is about keeping our movement going.  Consumers for Dental Choice
brings together consumers, dentists, scientists, parents,
environmentalists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, other health
professionals, and social justice advocates under one tent – all unified
to act for mercury-free dentistry.

This week, Dr. Mercola honors our work with an incredible offer:  He will
match dollar-for-dollar every donation to Consumers for Dental Choice
during Mercury-Free Dentistry Week (September 15-21), up to a total of
 Click here to make a contribution!*

So please, check out and the Mercola Facebook page throughout the week for new articles on mercury-free dentistry.  Plus … check out the action alerts Consumers for Dental Choice will be issuing all week via email to you and on our Facebook page.

Help us make mercury-free dentistry a reality for everyone! Charlie15 September 2013* The link is also accessible via

Charles G. Brown
National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice
President, World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry
316 F St. NE, Suite 210 Washington, DC 20002 USA
Phone: 202-544-6333   Fax: 202-544-6331  


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