Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

Upon The Flames Of The Flag: From The Fire We Rise

From The Fire We Rise

Upon The Flames Of The Flag

Let the passion of your Heart burn it all down. Like the aftermath of a forest fire, the land is cleared and will grow anew. But first the old must burn away. Let it burn.

If we have not passion we have not life. Passion is learning and without new knowledge we are just as dead as the those in coffins and the wild beast decaying lifeless upon the soil.

The flag of terrorism is fear. Like the “Jolly Roger” flown on Pirate Ships, fear is the psychological weapon of choice first employed by the legions of terror.

But fear is like a flag. It blows upon the wind as a symbol of terror. And just like a flag, it can be burned by the flames. Passion is the flame that will burn the fear. Burn the flag of terror.

Bring Your Boards And Your Bats Cuz It’s A Bar Fight

There is no need to detail fear and terror. We all know what it is. There might be too much of it already. What we must have more of is the cure for fear. The passion of unconditional sisterly and brotherly Love.

Most so-called martial artists are idiots. They believe that there is some actual skill in being able to dominate, conquer, defeat, injure or kill an opponent. This is a false idea that is easily disproved by drunk drivers all of the time.

The word martial is translated as “of or pertaining to war”. As we all know, war is a vicious, brutal, bloody and deadly affair full of violence and sadness. And so is drunk and careless driving.

People who do not control their automobiles while driving can easily injure and kill others. This takes no skill at all. One can carelessly take their hands off of the wheel and close their eyes to do this.

Careless and drunk driving and war are all the same in this way. Injuring and killing require no skill. A person can trip and fall. This takes no skill to be injured or hurt.

Martial arts, fighting and war are ACCIDENTS waiting to happen when unloving minds are the driving forces behind the human body vehicles and steering the wheels of technology.

War is like so many fools stumbling out of a bar late at night, with no vision of Love and no mission for peace to guide them. People get hurt when we let those drunk and unconscious with fear to carry on without guidance and care.

Passion Is Peaceful

The real skill is in the ability to heal. To heal is to Love. To Love is all there is. Love heals. Fear and terror are injury and death. Love is the healing fire of passion that burns away the pain. Love is the cure.

Love is peaceful. To Love is to be passionate about living. Passion for life is peaceful and is healing. To BE Loving is to have the passion to DO loving things and to HAVE a life filled with Love.

Passion is vibrant and energetic. It is a creative and productive force. Passion is always powerful and assertive. Passion is the strength and might of Love. Passion is vital and bold and free. Passion is alive and on fire an yet, passion is peaceful.

To be passionate is to Love and support Life. Passion is a sustainable free-energy source that is eternal. Passion is the fire that is fueled by Love. Where passion burns, Love and Life grow wildly and abundantly.

Is There A Doctor In The House?

Any careless and drunken fool can crash, destroy, injure and kill. It takes the gifted hands and affectionate mind of a wise and skilled healer to put back together the broken hearts, bloody bodies and shattered minds.

So many of us run our lives as if we are in a marathon race with the hopes of crossing the finish line of success and wealth. But how many actually make it to victory? Instead they are bombarded with fear while their hopes and dreams are blown apart.

Terrorized by worry and self doubt, people seek more and more security from the employers and authorities that they hope will shelter them from what they fear.

But these invisible threats are only as real as they are allowed to be. Certainly they cause actual damage to property and health. But this is only when freedom is given up while slaving away for a master who flies the flag of fear and loss.

But within us all is the capacity for greater and greater Love to be realized each moment. Inside the temple of our bodies resides a great spirit of passion for the liberation of Life. Love is the Doctor in the House of our Hearts and Minds that heals all and is all.

Fear Is A False Flag

When we live under the terror from the fake appearances outside of us of danger, we act weak and needy. A raft without a crew can be floated with a pirate flag and cause the production and life of a ship or town to stop as all the people hide in fear of terror.

When you believe in danger, you will act as if things are dangerous even when there is no actual danger. You would act as if there were a venomous King-Cobra about to strike if you believed it to be, even if there was no actual poisonous snake ready to attack.

It is easier and much more simple to Love when you understand and believe that it is within you and not outside of you. Your perception is your reality. Imagine that we all perceived Love in one another; there would be a reality of Love and Life and Passion.

We do not need to be conditioned by conditions. We can be in the world and not of the world. We have the power to condition our conditions. The world is actually in us and is of us. This should unlock your understanding of our responsibility.

The world is in our minds and our hearts and is of our own making. We can re-create the world by shifting from fear into Love. By focusing on being Love, doing Loving things, we will have a Loving world.

Fear makes us do stupid and strange things. We hide in cold and angry places. We shiver as if we are naked in a winter land. Passion is the Sun that dawns upon the ice and melts away the fear.

Fear is a false flag. Love is royal. Love is real. Love is rule. Love of life is fire of royalty. Passion for life is the flame of reality. With Love and passion we shall burn away fear and warm our hands upon the flames of the flag.

The Dark Knight Rises

When the fire burns there is pain. We are blackened and dark as we are covered by soot and ash. From the smoking remains of the forest we look out above the charred land. Here, a field of flags of terror and fear once stood tall and proud.

But the proud have fallen. Burned down to the ground by passion and Love, all that is left is fertile soil. A land upon which to plant fresh seeds of Love. The mind has been cleared and the cultivation of peace can flourish and thrive.

As we ignite the flames of passion with Love, we claim the right to honor ourselves as Knights of Love on a mission of peace. With a powerful voice and vision we stand united and free.

Our shield and AMOR are stained by the soot and ash as we stand. We run together but there is no finish line. This is no race. Love goes on forever. Instead of crossing a finish line we fly. Higher and higher, lifting and rising as the Sun. Shining Love over everything.

I Believe In You.

Believe in YourSelf.

Official Hakeem Alexander HypnoAthletics Icon

From The Fire We Rise

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