Athletics, Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics, OrthoMolecular, UniquilibriuM

(ENW) Entering New Worlds: The 5th Dimensional Key to Unlocking the Master-Mind Initiation

(Exercising Your Mind) Would YOU like to

Reveal Your Ultimate Intelligence?

Are YOU interested in learning how to

Command Your Highest Emotions?

Do YOU think you would benefit from having the experience to

Enjoy Your Optimal Health?

As you have answered “YES” to any one or more of those three questions above,

so it follows that you would live life more fully by


and exploring the


Getting the most good health, out of your own life may not be achievable in the ways you may have thought.

In fact, it may be a lot more fun and enjoyable than you probably ever imagined – no matter how challenging it may appear to be!

Exciting? You might even say that this opportunity is irresistible!

Do you think


to begin


more often, if before you were stuck in thoughts and habits of conformity?

If you can do that right now, you will begin to understand a little more why some of your health and wellness goals may have been escaping from you no matter how hard you have tried.

“We commonly do things contrary to our own values and against our own interests”
-Eldon Taylor; Mind Programming, p25 -2009

Have you ever found yourself regretting something that you did, but at the time that you were doing it you felt nothing, almost like you were in a trance?

Or maybe you were fully aware of what you were doing but kept on going anyway because you were fearful of what others would think if you did not follow through?

“It is chiefly the psychologists of the school of Freud who have pointed out that many of man’s thoughts and actions are compensatory substitutes for desires which he has been obliged to suppress.
A thing may be desired not for its intrinsic worth or usefulness, but because he has unconsciously come to see in it a symbol of something else, the desire for which he is ashamed to admit to himself.”
-Edward Bernays; Propaganda, p75 -1928

Many of us, me, you, and lots of other people have made decisions that were not in our best interests just because of what we observed others doing and what was happening around us.

But if we were
then, who were literally
Masters of our own Minds

instead of being a slave to it, we would have gotten the results we wanted at that time. And on top of that, we would have built up an unmistakable character that was admired by everyone.

“There are ways of handling your thoughts quite independently of what seems to be going on and of the opinions of others, which will make you a lofty soul in the feelings of people.
It is not too late to begin that way of handling your thoughts, even if you are now seventy or eighty years in the world’s belief.”
Emma Curtis Hopkins; Scientific Christian Mental Practice, p117 -18??

The solution to achieving most of our goals without confusion,
is to be clear about who and what we really are and what we really want.
The problem is that for too long we may have depended on our family, friends, teachers, employers and even total strangers for our good feelings, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth.

I repeat – the solution is to take the time to be
about our own desires and then we should truly be

“To overcome the anxieties and depressions of contemporary life,
individuals must become independent of the social environment to the
degree that they no longer respond exclusively in terms of its rewards
and punishments.
To achieve such autonomy, a person has to learn to provide rewards herself.
She has to develop the ability to find enjoyment and purpose regardless of external circumstances.
This challenge is both easier and more difficult than it sounds:
easier because the ability to do so is entirely within each person’s hands;
difficult because it requires a discipline and perseverance that are
relatively rare in any era, and perhaps especially in the present.
And before all else, achieving control over experience requires a drastic
change in attitude about what is important and what is not.”
Mihaly Csikszentmihaly; Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, p16 -1990

A whole lot of our

lies within our self-talk. That inner-voice that speaks inside the

of our own minds. Many times we will find out if we really listen, that it is not really
but instead it is the voices of many other people disguised as our own.

“You have to be careful about the vocabulary you use because every word or thought, spoken or written, if inner directed, constitutes programming, instructions to your subconscious mind.
It is overly simplistic to believe that what you say in your head (think) and speak out loud manifests.”
-Dan Kennedy; No B.S. Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs, p55 -2006

It may be a little too simple for some of us to believe that our thoughts alone may have so much influence over the conditions of our lives, but what we really must understand is that is how it really is. From the mot basic psychological level, we can not be thinking of achieving goals and making worthwhile plans at the same time that we are thinking about regrets and mistakes without a solution focused approach.

“Every one of us is the sum total of our own thoughts.
He is where he is because that’s exactly where he really wants to be, whether he’ll admit that or not.”
-Earl Nightingale; The Strangest Secret, 1956

Have you ever been absolutely
about what you really wanted out of life? Has it occurred to you that almost just as sure and quickly as you found clarity that the circumstances and “reality” of the world around you seemed to cause your own truth to be covered up in a sea of doubt and confusion?

“To think what you want to think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances.
Every man has the natural and inherent power to think what he wants to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances.
To think according to appearance is easy; to think truth regardless of appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other work man is called upon to perform.
There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world.
This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances.”
Wallace D. Wattles; The Science of Getting Rich, p25 -1910

If you have believed you could not do, be or have something,

does not mean that your belief is real.

You can always change your beliefs to match what it is that you really want and experience your own TRUTH.

What is real is that you can


simply by being the source of your joy and not waiting for things and people around you to provide you with approval or validation to be happy, satisfied and content.

“All truth exists within and never in the world about.
One who studies the world studies effects. One who studies his own mind studies the cause and source of things as they really are”.
U.S. Anderson; Three Magic Words; 1954

Your true

is not that the world outside does not matter.

What I mean to help you understand is that you will experience more constructive change when that is what you are looking for.

If we are not looking for things from our own understanding and instead relying on what others want from us or from how others see us, we may find what we want accidentally, but even then we might not recognize it because we were looking for something else.

“In order to effect true positive change in your experience, you must
disregard how things are–as well as how others are seeing you–and give more of your attention to the way you prefer things to be.”
Esther and Jerry Hicks; The Law of Attraction, p38 -2006

As a
you are able to remain,
no matter what is going on around you. You have

and therefore you have

“When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you have mastered your life.”
John F. Demartini; The Secret -2006

You were not put here on this


to serve the interests of sadness, disease, confusion and frustration.


I believe, because of direct experience with triumph and success, that you and I were born into this world to share in these experiences of


“And the truth turns out to be nothing less than the amazing but undeniable fact that the whole outer world–whether it be the physical body, the common things of life, the winds and the rain, the clouds, the Earth itself–is amenable to man’s thought, and that he has dominion over it when he knows it.”
Emmet Fox; The Sermon on the Mount, p13 -1934

Of course life is not going to always feel like a big celebration all of the time. We should have some emotional and spiritual weights to lift so that we can build strength by


Realize the big picture.

We will feel some resistance to get where we are going.

This always happens when we set goals or want to go somewhere.

If we were to stay still, there would be nothing to travel through.

We must understand that all will be good as we PERSIST.

“We may pass through good fortune and bad, but if we can come to the point where we are not disturbed by ‘things’ we have found the secret.”
Ernest Holmes; The Science of Mind, p187 -1938

You may have heard that it is always “darkest before dawn”.

Indeed there will be struggles and set-backs and all sorts of strange problems that we don’t want.

But the real


of who we really are and what we can really do depends on our own ability to accept responsibility no matter what, and keep moving forward towards the good that we really want.

“…you have to train yourself to feel secure even if there is no evidence to
suggest such to be the case.
You have to settle into the uncertainty of things and be comfortable with it.”
Stuart Wilde; The Trick to Money is Having Some, p60 -1989

I can say for sure that

to be tuned into our greatest character.

I do not know exactly how or why you and I can

with every point on our journey; but I do know that we can be truly happy no matter what.

It does not require imposing your will on the things and people in the world outside of you.

Nor does it mean you will be happy ALL THE TIME.
What you can do is

than that.

You have the ability to truly connect with


and know for sure what purpose it serves.

“Yours is the choice.
You have within you a force against which the whole world is powerless.
By using it, you can make what you will of life and of your surroundings.
‘But’ you will say, ‘objects themselves do not change.
It is merely the difference in the way you look at them.’
But to a great extent, at least, we find what we look for, just as, when we turn the dial on the radio, we tune in on whatever kind of entertainment or instruction we may wish to hear.
And who can say that it is not our thoughts that put it there? Who, for the matter of that, can prove that our surroundings in waking hours are not as much the creature of our minds as are our dreams?”
Robert Collier; The Secret of the Ages, p46 -1926

If it has been your experience that life is like a treadmill and you are in a rat-race. If you have felt stuck and trapped. If you really want to


then it is time for you begin


and take

ACTION from a state of BLISS and CONFIDENCE!



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