HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

M.E.T.A.-Physics: The Reality of Royalty

(Exercising Your Mind) MetaPhysics. Oh boy! The theory of everything.

We must understand that the first part of the word, “meta-“, means, above, beyond or after.

Of course physics relates to the material, tangible and solid objects in the world.

So, in the simplest definition, the word Metaphysics means beyond, above, or after that which is physical, tangible, solid and material.

But this over-simplified and very general definition may cause some problems for those studying what is called Metaphysics these days.

I have certainly allowed it to cause a few problems for me.

But with this writing, I am certainly going to transform those former problems into abundance attracting assets.

Powerful Metaphysical Suggestion.

You might soon come to agree with me, that what has been called Metaphysics, which once more was like Natural Philosophy has somehow become the name for Self-Hypnosis and meditation as used in the Self-Help and Personal-Development businesses.

And, you may also agree with me that what we all might like to sustain is a healthy dose of optimism, motivation and enthusiasm for life channeled through our physical actions, material and tangible pursuits based on predetermined goals, worthy ideals and sound planning in order to be successful.

MetaPhysics as it is taught and practiced today very closely resembles, if not in fact being what I understand to be auto-suggestion, meditation and self-hypnosis as used in the human-potential, self-help, applied psychology, personal development and spiritual healing disciplines.

Whatever the consequences that result from this may be, does not remove the fact that it is a mental discipline that requires the practitioner to attain some degree of awareness and mastery over their conscious states, emotions and subjective experiences.

Indeed, I am all for Metaphysics being used as a personal development tool.

However, I am creating my own, new, never before used, written about, or shared by anyone else previous to me, novel and gap-bridging definition of MetaPhysics.

The way that I have done this is by getting real and making an acronym out of the prefix “meta”.

This acronym now abbreviates the words Mathematical, Experimental, Theoretical and Applied – M.E.T.A.. So in my world, the word is M.E.T.A.-Physics and represents Mathematical, Experimental, Theoretical and Applied Physics; four major branches of physics.

You may ask “Hakeem, why would you attempt such a thing?” or

Hakeem, why would you redefine Metaphysics, which I am familiar with as a philosophy, specifically a spiritual-philosophy with many religious connections, into a physical science?” or maybe even

Hakeem, what the Helios is wrong with you?”

And the only answer I have for you is to continue writing as I am with the certainty that it will all be very clear to you in short time.

Things need to get done in the physical world because we are physical beings, yet it is definitely our seemingly intangible minds that direct the conscious use of our minds towards getting these physical things done.

Cosmology and Ontology (Cosmontology)

Before there was this term “physics” for the science as we know it now, or people called “physicists”, there was a discipline known as “Natural Philosophy”.

Natural Philosophy was very much what Metaphysics is today.

That is, Natural Philosophy basically used any means necessary to explore and understand the Universe.

But without going into too much detail, this all began to merge into what we know as science and physics today a little bit before, and certainly after Issac Newton published a book called “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy“.

From my extensive and life-long, and yet oh so incomplete studies and research into metaphysics, music, hypnosis, martial-arts and physics, I have come to finally understand some very useful information.

This useful info teaches me that Metaphysics basically bridged the gap between religious-philosophy and Natural Philosophy.

Natural Philosophy then became science and physics.

The whole point of all of these different disciplines has been and still is to understand our world and the cosmos as well as we humanly can.

Metaphysical Sciences.

MetaPhysics can be treated like a science.

That is, we can learn or develop certain methods, processes or rituals to work with the metaphysical realm, apply these methods and remain aware to the possibilities that these processes will manifest results as we have desired or predicted.

Indeed there has been for some-time a field known as Metaphysical Sciences.

On the journey of understanding, we would do very well to use “working-models”.

As I am using the term, it means a model or concept, that when applied to our lives, gives us a certain, workable sense of understanding that consistently returns the results we would expect or predict if the model worked lie the process or object being represented by the model.

A great model that I use is that the Universe is a Formless, neutral Substance that responds directly to the nature of our Thoughts.

Our Thoughts become things by way of the Law of Attraction.

If we use Deliberate Intent then we are able to have more control over what we attract into our experience.

And if we have Faith, expect, believe and allow our deliberately created Thoughts to be drawn to us, we shall then experience the physical Manifestation of our Thoughts.

This physical and experiential Manifestation is also call a Demonstration.

By using the acronym-word M.E.T.A.-Physics, I have created a conscious re-union between metaphysics and physics.

I use the word re-union very deliberately because I understand that the difference between the philosophical-spiritual and the scientific-physical disciplines have always had the same goal: to empower humanity and improve life through greater understanding of ourselves and our Universe.

What I find particularly interesting is that the more I have become familiar with the science of physics, the more I realize that there is to be discovered a bridge into what is now called the metaphysical realm – mind and consciousness.

Things need to get done in the physical world because we are physical beings, yet it is definitely our seemingly intangible minds that direct the conscious use of our minds towards getting these physical things done.

Mathematical physics begins to take us into multiple dimensions, strings and membranes that we are not yet able to directly observe or experiment with.

Experimental physics begins to show that there are quantum processes involved in biology and the brain and maybe, I think most likely thought.

Theoretical physics explores the possibility that our minds actually influence the randomness of the quantum world to take on deterministic characteristics of our classical, macro world when we look at or measure quantum processes.

And Applied physics begins to make links with intelligence through quantum computing and artificial-intelligence.

To my understanding, some of the concepts in physics like the wave-function, quantum-tunneling and entanglement and the less well known science of Sub-Quantum Kinetics as a whole seem to be very promising ideas that may become working models for how Manifestation and Demonstration are set into action and created in our physical experience from our Thoughts.

Interestingly, just like Metaphysics originally intended to be a complete and whole, rational concept that would totally explain all things; physics has been for many years attempting to formulate a theory of everything.

This is sometimes known as a unified theory, unified field theory or just the theory of everything.

As I see it, we will not come to know everything.

However, I do believe that we will come to such a great understanding of our Universe, that the working model we build from this understanding will look like magic and sorcery when compared with our live today.

Metaphysics and Hypnosis.

One of the ideas I just have not been able to get rid of is that the self-help, personal development and human potential type of Metaphysics I have been studying and reading about is basically hypnosis.

No matter how far I go back, I find this type of Metaphysics often called New-Thought.

Even though many of them will plainly write that the Spiritual practices they teach has nothing whatever to do with Hypnosis or suggestion, the practices follow the rules or Laws of Hypnosis.

These Laws of Hypnosis are Repetition, Association and Impression.

The more an idea is Repeated, and especially when it is Associated with an emotion or physical feeling, it takes hold as a more or less permanent Impression or belief upon your over-all conscious make-up or environment.

So many of the Metaphysical teachers urge the student or reader to keep practicing, repeating, emotionalizing; or just flat out have blind-faith in an idea until it becomes so powerful that it plants itself in their subconscious and impresses itself upon the Universal Subconscious.

The Universal Subconscious is said to be that Eternal Substance that can make anything out of itself; but the idea first has to be Impressed upon it with Faith that it will Manifest.

What is most shared in common with Hypnosis and this type of Metaphysics is the idea that if we allow ourselves to be influenced (hypnotized) by things outside of ourselves, then this will become our dominating belief or focus of attention which will Manifest, whether we are conscious of the process or allow ourselves to be hypnotized (influenced) by default.

The remedy is always the same.

In Hypnosis, you get more Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis to focus on what you want to replace the ideas of what you do not want and therefor avoid it effecting your behavior and experience.

In Metaphysics you focus your Thought or imagination on what it is that you desire until you are able to Realize the Truth.

The Truth being that your Thoughts are the Cause of your experience and the outside physical world is the Effect.

What this is in reality telling us, is that we are one-hundred percent responsible for creating and causing all of our experience.

Therefore, if we are willing to take one-hundred percent responsibility for our lives, then we can build or re-build our experience and lives however it is that we would like it to be.

Maybe even after all of these years I just don’t quite understand the difference between Repetition, Association and Impression and Repetition, Association and Impression.

But as long as the goal remains to sustain is a healthy dose of optimism, motivation and enthusiasm for life channeled through our physical actions, material and tangible pursuits based on predetermined goals, worthy ideals and sound planning in order to be successful, I will stick with that until something better comes up.

Things need to get done in the physical world because we are physical beings, yet it is definitely our seemingly intangible minds that direct the conscious use of our minds towards getting these physical things done.

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