Athletics, OrthoMolecular

Perspiration: Not necessarily something to sweat about.

By Hakeem Alexander

(Exercising Your Mind) I have heard some interesting comments about why people sweat a lot or not. So in my typical mode of operation, I thought it a good opportunity to add some of my own interesting comments on the subject to help find better understanding of my own ideas and share it for further development and comprehension.

So why do people sweat?

Generally, perspiration, commonly called sweating, is usually present as a way to bring the body into balance of fluids; minerals in the body such as sodium and potassium, or temperature regulation.

It depends on why you are sweating a lot. If you are exercising, or if it is really hot outside, or a hot climate or room, then a good sweat is natural and serves to maintain the body’s ideal temperature or remain homeostatic.

Some people who are not in good physical condition sweat a lot because their bodies need to cool down fast as their system is not conditioned to handle the increase in internal heat just yet, and / or have a lot of built up toxins from sedentary lifestyles and / or poor eating habits.

Some people who are in great shape sweat a lot as an adaptation to their high level of activity and high capacity for exercise, and is a natural cooling and elimination process as well.

Also, profuse or excessive sweating can be from cannabis or other drug withdrawal. It can even be accessory to eliminating excess water, or electrolyte/mineral consumption. Another thing that can appear as excess sweating is condensation from body heat generated from exercising, hot weather or hot room environment, and then moving outside to the cold, or, into an air-conditioned room.

Other people suffer from diaphoresis or excessive sweating because of pharmaceutical drugs and do so while sleeping or resting, which is the body’s way of eliminating toxic stress from the circulatory system. Another form of stress, like anxiety can cause a person to perspire because of emotional triggers increasing heart-rate and breathing or the production of stress hormones or epinephrine or adrenaline.

It all depends on your fitness level, stress load and toxic burden. Know these factors 1st, then determine if it is good to sweat alot or not. There are several factors to consider. Overall, the sweating is usually present as a way to bring the body into balance of fluids or temperature; homeostasis.

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