
Fatrocities are Killing the World but the Fitopia Will Save Us

By Hakeem Alexander

(Exercising Your Mind) At 10:pm on National Geographic Channel (NatGeo), a rare television watching event for me, I witnessed a show called “Taboo”. It was recommended to me by my friend and fellow researcher ShadowMyth-KLG. It reinforced many of my previously researched data on the “Globesity” issue and revealed a few others.

Big Problems and Simple Solutions

According to my Oxford American Dictionary and Thesaurus, atrocity is defined as “an extremely evil or cruel act, especially one involving physical violence or injury“. I personally regard the misleading of people into lifestyles of ignorant neglect that results in the physical injury of being fat and obese to be an extremely violent, evil and cruel act on mankind; a Fatrocity!

Big Problems

Malnutrition and Lack of Exercise
I am sure you have heard it before. But obviously it must be repeated as much as the crap to the contrary, because if you are overweight, you have fallen prey to the negative hypnotic programming that has led to your undesired condition. It was suggested on the NatGeo episode of “Taboo”, that many food manufacturers and establishments intentionally produce and market foods they know to be unhealthy to the masses simply for profit. These are the sweet, fatty foods and extra calorie loading soft-drinks that taste so good and do the body so much harm.

The “obesogenic” or obese producing environment is said to be partially responsible for this. That is, an environment where technology makes life less active and calories more accessible – factors that tend to make people fat. The result is less calorie and fat burning activities combined with more calorie consumption. An obvious imbalance. But as has been emphasized, this does not excuse one from the responsibility of intelligently managing one’s own health.

1.6 billion women, men and children in the world are overweight or obese. A body mass index or BMI of 25 is overweight and a BMI of 30 or more is obese. 1/3rd of the U.S. is overweight and another 1/3rd is obese which means 2/3rds, or about 200 million people the U.S. is in this unhealthy category. Even though the healthcare costs have doubled from the year 1999 to 2009 to treat overweight related diseases, organizations like NAAFA, the National Association for the Advancement of Fat Acceptance, say there is nothing wrong with being fat. They even claim it is desirable, and have many so-called Fat-Admirers backing this claim.

In reality, obesity has negative effects on every system in the body, including the central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, musculo-skeletal, and of course the digestive system. Being overweight creates a higher disease risk for clogged arteries, diabetes, heart-failure and structural damage and pain. A person can become so fat that they will lose their ability to use the bathroom by themselves and not be able to enjoy sex because of prohibitive slabs of flesh developing around the genital area.

Some examples include a man of 650 pounds who can no longer support his own body-weight and therefore can not walk. His entire body failed him, he was hospitalized, required surgery; and a six-man team had to man-handle him back into his home on a stretcher. He is confined to his bedroom that he and his wife call his prison. On the show both the 650 pound man and his dedicated spouse were in tears. They have not been able to have sex for almost 20 years! Being fat effects everyone, not just the overweight person. This is personally, environmentally, economically and globally.

In Mauritania, in West Africa, overweight women are prized as having higher status and are more desirable for marriage. Besides the fact that it is ridiculous to conform to social norms, just to be acceptable to a patriarchal society that dominates and controls women whom should be regarded as Goddesses; this is a profane ideal. Even so, woman routinely and legally force-feed their daughters when they can’t fend off this abuse. Many of these young girls die from metabolic disorders and from drowning or choking on their own vomit. In addition, even some of the woman who have become fat and married tell of the literal heart-ache, breathing difficulties and joint pains that result. But they endure it just to be accepted.

In the United States, the opposite is seen as the higher status, more successful body-type. Although many times this American ideal is also ridiculous, such as the emaciated super-model look, many women develop other eating disorders such as bulimia-nervosa and anorexia-nervosa. With this stark contrast present in the U.S. society, many overweight people suffer psychologically because they are so far removed physically from this ideal. Remember 2/3rds are fat. They are also routinely ridiculed and alienated by insensitive persons. And perhaps this also contributes to the heavily burdened central nervous system which may already be under threat of overweight related dementia.

Simple Solutions

Proper Nutrition and Exercise
The human body is a highly adaptable organism. It readily adapts to the conditions we impose upon it. When the body is starved, the metabolism slows in order to store calories for an expected future famine. This is one of the ways our bodies’ have been conditioned throughout civilization. The human body more readily stores fat than it burns or sheds it off.

However, this has a simple epigenetic (nurture over nature) remedy. By eating small meals more frequently, we can reprogram our metabolism to speed up and eliminate stored calories. The extra energy we obtain from a higher metabolism can then be used for moderate to intense exercise depending on our disposition and current fitness level. By exercising, we also condition our bodies’ to activities that require us to be more fit, lean, balanced and agile. This body type does not need to be super-model skinny. We can be voluptuous and athletic, or thin and athletic; as long as we are physically fit and nutritionally healthy.

In addition, the source of food we use may make a great deal of difference. Many foods that people eat are processed in health-harming ways with toxic additives. A first rule would be to consume fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables. I like to call fruit ‘nature’s candy’. This may seem troublesome or time consuming, but I doubt it is as bothersome as some of the diseases and damage caused by overlooking this deceptively simple practice. I have personally felt the heart-break of witnessing the health-deteriorating effects of overweight in the majority of people close to me. Cook your own foods and stop eating pre-packaged junk with ingredients that require chemical, medical and science dictionaries to decode!

Here are a few health sustaining and restoring tips:

  • Take short walks often. Anywhere from 5 minutes to 60 minutes each day depending on your current fitness level
  • Get plenty of rest and take naps often to restore and rebalance as often as you can
  • Eat organic foods because they do not contain as many toxins that may contribute to obesogenic conditions
  • Drink plenty of fresh, clean water to flush out bloating water-retaining symptoms and fat
  • Join a fun, local sports team or league in your spare time
  • Practice deep breathing meditation and constructive fitness visualization
  • Pre-plan and prepare your meals for work and school the night or week before
  • Surround yourself with supportive fit people who will accept you as-is and encourage your healthy lifestyle
  • Get a gym membership and / or personal trainer and commit to a program
  • Use Self-Hypnosis or a Hypnotherapist to enhance healthy behaviors and habits

Obviously there are just as many reasons for you to be fat, depressed and diseased as there are to be fit, healthy and happy. The choice is yours, and there are many options available. If it is not obvious, I choose to be nutritionally healthy and physically fit. My life experiences are so much more vibrant, rich and sensational because of the choices I am making daily. The beauty and joy I want for myself I want for everyone else and therefore encourage you to do the same. I have come to understand that I am one of the supportive fit people who will accept you as-is and encourage your healthy lifestyle.

Begin today by making the decision to take a small step to improve your health, or encourage someone else to do so for themselves. In this way we will improve our global environment, economy, and contribute to a sort of “Fitopia” or similar idea or movement that will raise the level of everyone’s consciousness to constructive, life-affirming actions.

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