HypnoAthletics, Metaphysics

Prenoia (pree-noy-uh)

By Hakeem Alexander

(Exercising Your Mind) I KNOW that my words have the power to heal; the power to create.

I am ever more certain of this after my literary experience with Ernest Holmes, author of Science of Mind: A Philosophy, a Faith, a Way of Life.

Therefore, I believe it is my personally assigned duty to use my words, thoughts, and actions for the ultimate good of all; and therefore myself and the Multiverse.

Is this delusion? -Perhaps an illusory, self-serving conception of grandeur?

Well, I trust you will agree that it is much better than believing something deleterious or negative, yes? -And while I am grateful for all of the experiences in my life including when my suspicions were less than constructive; I am also convinced that a new calibration is in order for the wonderful days of our future to come.

Classically, Paranoia has been known as the suspicion that there is a conspiracy brewing which is out to do one harm. It has even become classified as a psychotic disorder.

In the United States of America during the 1960’s and 70’s, Pronoia was coined and became known as the sneaking suspicion that the Universe is conspiring on one’s behalf.

In his 1972 book The Natural Mind, Andrew Weil makes note of “Positive Paranoia” – the ideology held by those who psychologically tested as having a “W” or Whole personality type. These people were shown on tests to be mentally abnormal. In practice however, these were some of the most highly functioning individuals in the community.

In the 1990’s, a European “Zippy” group in Great Britan, appended the definition of pronoia to include that Pronoia is the sneaking suspicion that others are conspiring to help you; and you them.

In 2005, Rob Brezny published the book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.

Today, in 2008, I offer Prenoia to this tradition of memes to be defined as “The joyful suspicion that it is one’s duty to ‘conspire’ for the success of oneself; for the success of all other terrestrial beings, and the whole Universe.”/Multiverse.

This new coinage signifies personal responsibility for ourselves, and the willing enabling of others to adorn self-empowerment.

It is time to verbally and telepathically share this abundance and confidence building concept.

This idea, in my opinion, should become part of our cultural framework as a novel and model idea and cultural practice.

I will joyfully propagate this peaceful and powerful agenda so that it becomes an integral unit and foundation of our cultural ideology.

We may all begin now deliberately creating a more powerfully positive and abundant future for ourselves; one and all.


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