
GMO No No’s: How and why to stop eating Genetically Modified Foods.

(Exercising Your Mind) Of course you should talk to your doctor before making any major changes in your diet and / or exercise program; especially the open-minded up-to-date progressive, not being paid by big-pharma and big Bio-Tech ones. Know your sources.

And after reading this article, you’ll probably want to take the Organic consumers Association’s advice and

Contact your Congresspersons today and urge them to:

1) Require mandatory labeling of all GE plants and animals
2) Place a moratorium on new genetically engineered plants or animals, and
3) Protect non-GE and organic farmers by assigning liability for injury caused by genetically engineered organisms.

So, how do you avoid eating GMOs? Eat whole foods. Do-not eat processed foods, especially non-organic processed foods. You have a 75% chance or 3 out of 4 risk of consuming a genetically engineered food by eating non-organically grown foods.

Vote with your dollar. Read the labels of all non-organic foods and make sure that it specifically says that No GMO products or foods are used in the manufacture and production of the food. The best is to purchase and eat Organic foods which do not allow by law for GMOs to be used in the food. But read you must! -Always. This vote with your dollar concept is simple economics. “Supply and Demand.” If you Demand Organic and non-GMO by consistently buying it, producers and markets will have no choice but to Supply them to you.

It ends up being less expensive in the long run when you consider the prevention of medical problems and other dis-eases innately entrenched in these products. In Appleton Wisconson for example, the school district has saved 5 million dollars per year by removing processed and GMO foods from the students diets. One school principal has on record stated that she no longer has to report weapons and drug violations, expulsions, drop-outs or suicides in her annual reports. Additionally, in Italy (Europe), Palo Alto and Berkley California, the schools are REQUIRED to serve Organic food only to the students. The cost will come down as well when this type of food is the norm in the supply chain.

Why not eat GMO foods?

Because it is known personally to my own body and to many scientists around the world that the most common results of genetic engineering are surprise negative side effects like new poisons, allergens and toxins like the increase in tripsin inhibitor in GMO soy crops. Tripisin breaks down other proteins, if it is inhibited it is possible that the undigested proteins are allergenic.

Perhaps you find it unethical and it violates your spiritual or religious convictions to be eating mutant-munchies.

Or what about the Phillipinos who developed severe allergic symptoms when GMO corn began to pollinate and had to be hospitalized? Or the Indian cotton farmers who are losing their land to sterilization by GMO crops and those committing suicide by the dozens because of false promises of higher crop yields, less insects and need for pesticides supposedly as a result of planting GMO cotton.

If you think you know what foods are genetically modified, you may be surprised to discover that the FDA does not require labeling of these “Franken-Foods”. It was also elucidated in a famous court case involving FOX that it is not illegal for news to lie to viewers, the same news that should be informing consumers. This was when FOX attempted to cover up the fact that GMO producer Monsanto threatened with a lawsuit if FOX allowed two investigative reporters to enlighten us about the antibiotics, recombinant bovine growth hormone(rBGH; rBST; Posilac), and the “human health implications” (CANCER) inherent in the insulin like growth factor that is increased when cows are treated with these substances. Insulin-like growth factor 1(IGF1), drives bodily growth, maturity during puberty and aging. This same company Monsanto allegedly has issued internal documents barring GMO foods to be served in their cafeteria to their employees in the U.K. headquarters due to patron concerns about GMOs.

The main crops are corn, soy, cottonseed, and canola which are all used in vegetable oils. Much of the Hawaiian papaya supply and some crook-neck squash. It is a very good idea to buy only organic milk because of the GMO hormones and antibiotics present in the non-organic brands. Aspartame and NutraSweet are also in this category of GMOs. I also suggest boycotting other products from these Genetic Engineering companies such as Round-up weed killer which kills all plants, Celebrex made by the same company, and any other Monsanto, Syngenta, Cal-Gene, and other such food biotech producers.

Jon Carapiet, who is a market research consultant stated that research indicates the majority of people do not want genetically modified foods and that the more educated people are about them, the less they like them and the less likely they are to support genetic engineering.

This is apparent when you take into consideration that in Europe in April 1999, a company called Unilever which is Great Britan’s largest food manufacturer, has committed and declared to remove genetically engineered food additives from all of their products. One week later, McDonalds, Burger King, Safeway and Nestle followed suit and committed to doing the same but only in their European Market! Likewise, Canada and the European Union do not allow the artificial hormone rBGH to be used in their agriculture. It is banned there.

This is simply because of an educated public understanding and being informed of the risks and dangers and lack of safety testing concerning GMOs. Is it possible that people do not appreciate the fact that soy allergies increased in England when GMO soy was introduced? Is it for this same reason that many large agriculture insurers in Europe refuse to insure farmers producing GMO crops?

In South Dakota many farmers leave out plots of land for wildlife to eat and if it is GMO, they don’t touch it. When animals of all kind including mice, rats, chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows, and others are given a choice, they avoid GMOs. Sows, or the female swine in Iowa, have been presenting with reproductive abnormalities such as delivering bags of water, or not getting pregnant at all when fed GMO corn. As Jeffrey Smith humorously points out, we need to get up to the level of these animals as far as our eating is concerned. I did; and my kidneys don’t hurt anymore simply by switching to organic, wild-crafted and raw whole foods. All of the other health problems that I was experiencing went away for good and return only when I experiment after fasting to note the differences in my physical responses to foods produced under different conditions.

The techniques involve creating mutants using bacterial plasmids from Escherichia Coli (E-Coli) for example; which are self-replicating “rings” of DNA to insert genes coding for a “useful” protein discovered in the soil bacteria by Monsanto that does not die when sprayed with their all plant killing Round-Up. They then transfer this herbicide-tolerant, “Round-Up Ready” gene by “infection” to a target organism like maize corn. This is possible because in all life, the geneic code is the SAME. Adenine, Guanine, Thymine and Cytosine in DNA and Uracil in place of Thymine in RNA. They match up much like opposite electro-magnetic poles; A with T and C with G.

One way this is accomplished is by way of E-coli’s “restrictio enzyme” eco-r1, normally utilized by bacteria to chop-up invading viral DNA, which makes a staggered nick at a specific sequence of bases. This creates an E-coli DNA ring with a gap in it. Then the
DNA sequence, that has been similarly cut out from the soil bacteria by enzymes, coding the Round-Up Ready gene is thrown in the test-tube or E-coli culture. The two different bacterial DNA pieces with identical tails (T-T-A-A for example) bond together, one from E-coli and the other from the Round-Up Ready bacteria. This newly engineered sequence may be sealed together with an adhesive ligase-enzyme. After a few hours of feeding the bacteria you can have billions of bacteria coding this herbicide-tolerant.

Now it is time to infect the corn with these new mutant genes. They have to get past the corn cells natural defenses and penetrate the cell walls somehow. One way is to use streams of electricity to rip holes in the corn cells’ walls to allow the franken-genes in.

Sometimes another type of soil bacteria is used that creates tumors in the corn cells, allowing the other bacterial genes with the Round-Up Ready genes inside.

Another method is insertion using a gene gun with microscopic tungsten or gold “BBs” coated with the new genes, and firing them into the corn cells.

All three methods still require a promoter gene to turn the herbicide-tolerant genes on, as do natural gene codes in order to function. Usually, the cauliflower mosaic virus promoter is used, since viral genes commonly override cell defenses and will be persistent in turning the sequence on in the cell.

To top it off, since scienists do not know which cells took up the new genes, they add a “marker gene” in with this genetic cassette of E-coli, herbicide tolerant bacteria, and cauliflower virus promoter genes. This marker is an A.R.M., or Antibacterial Resistent Marker gene. It is a gene that codes for tolerance to antibiotics. So when the batch of corn cells is doused with antibiotics, the ones that are infected with the antibiotic marker, are assumed to have also taken up the other genes.

It is interesting to note that corn, which is one of the major Bt crops of the world, has as half of its genome a certain type of DNA segment separate from its “main” sequence known as transposons or jumping-genes. Similar to the plasmids found in many bacteria, these DNA sequences have the ability to self-replicate separate from the main and insert or impose themselves into the main sequence.

These jumping genes and plasmids are beneficial to corn and bacteria because they may code for resistance to disease in corn, or resistance to antibiotics in the bacteria. The problem with these transposons is that they are not so useful in humans as they usually act like viruses in people and are an underlying cause of diseases such as hemophilia and certain cancers.

The RNA retro-virus AIDS for example, utilizes the reverse transcriptase enzyme to copy its RNA into the hosts DNA turning the host into an AIDS virus producing factory. Similarly, if we consume Bt corn that has a bacterially replicated gene coding for the Bt which was made using plasmids and transposons, we run the very possible risk of having the A.R.M. gene jumping into our gut bacteria (E-Coli) and producing super-strains of antibiotic resistant beasts or Bt / pesticide within our body. The jumping genes may literally jump into and impose itself into our bacteria creating all types of issues as mentioned. This is called horizontal gene transfer.

It has been demonstrated in several independent studies that only 19% of the foreign DNA is destroyed during pasteurization rather than the 90% claimed by GMO producers. Imagine that the promoter gene which is supposed to only turn on the Bt, turning on introns a.k.a junk DNA found as millions of base pairs within our DNA which many scientists believe could be dormant or ancient viruses. Our spliceosomes and suppressive tolerance have shut these off, but foreign promoters may override this defensive evolution.

Is it not enough that we live in a plasma of military industrial-petro-chemical pollution every day stressing our immunity? Why not eliminate these untested and possible contributors to the aggravation and perpetuation of obesity, diabetes, cancer, alzheimers (type 3 diabetes?), behavioral problems, criminal behavior and mental illness?

Make it easy on your body to deal with whatever it must on an average day and choose Organic and non-GMO foods. This way you will be voting with your dollar$ and creating a better future for our planet, each other and our children.


Jeffrey M. Smith who worked as a spokes-person for a GMO detection lab and wrote the book “Seeds of Deception” and produced the GMO Trilogy of two DVDs and an audio lecture;

another film “The Corporation” featuring Noam Chomsky, Dr. Vandana Shiva, and Jane Akre.

The Cartoon Guide to Genetics by Larry Gonnick and Mark Wheelis has also been an invaluable resource as well as the

American Heritage Science Dictionary and

the December 17th 2007 issue of Business Week (cover story).

Link to Video: The Dangers of Genetically Engineered Foods and Their Cover-Up by Jeffrey M. Smith HERE or

The follow up has been elucidated from my own personal healing and experience experimenting with eating Genetically Modified Foods, Conventionally produced and Organic Foods and that of the other scientists, researchers, volunteers and friends who have decided to participate and patiently answer my questions and observations. This is no longer speculation, GMO’s are dangerous as it is currently “offered” in the food and agriculture markets and we must protect ourselves, children and the entire planet from this potentially extinction level abomination.


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